Recent News at Clara N.S...
A Visit to D.C.U.
D.C.U. = Dublin City University
Caolan qualified for an Assessment from the Centre of Talented Youth Ireland as a result of achieving some really high scores in recent tests. This was a great opportunity for him. He went up on Saturday 11th January and discovered just how big DCU is.!! I wonder will any more of our pupils end up at DCU in the future!!?Sometimes we must leave our comfort zone to discover more!
A Cold Spell
When we returned to school on January 6th 2025, temperatures were very low. For the first week, the temperature barely went above zero degrees. This is, of course, freezing point. The result of this, along with some snow showers, was that our entire environment was covered in white. We left some food out for the little birds and gritted a path into the school. All in all, it was a good week. Even though we weren't allowed to run at break times (imagine children being told not to run!!) we did have some great fun in the snow. Check out our video below.
Wellbeing in Clara N.S.
In our school we value the importance of looking after our own wellbeing. We take part in wellbeing lessons every week& we enjoy them so much! Check out some of the latest activities below!!
Christmas Fair 2023
Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Fair! Well done especially to our pupils on their hard work in preparation for this! We couldn't be prouder!
Team Hope Shoe Box Appeal

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the recent Team Hope Shoe Box Appeal.
Maths Week 2023

Mrs McGuigan set our Junior Room a very cool Maths Week Challenge....Guess how sweets in the jar?! What would your guess be?????
Jersey Day 2023

Well done to our student council on organising a wonderful Jersey Day in aid of GOAL. A total of 165.50 euro was raised.
Celebrating St. Brigid's Day
Our pupils were very busy making St. Brigid's Crosses! Well done everyone!
Quiz Masters!

A major well done to our Senior Room pupils who made a very generous donation to the Errigal Truagh Special needs Parents Support Group from profits made from their company "Beadles", which they set up last year, as part of the Junior Entrepreneur Programme.
We are very proud of all the boys & girls & they have gained such experience & knowledge in how a company works!
Communion Class 2022 |
Confirmation Class 2022
Congrats to our winners!!!!! See our school Facebook page for the list of winners....Thank you to all who supported our school!
Check out our talented school musician group as they practice for their performance at Clara mass this evening! |
Ash Wednesday

Our pupils held an assembly for Ash Wednesday in our beautiful outdoor space. Well done to our senior pupils on their preparation for this.
Check out our recent video to see what we get up to in Clara N.S!!
St Brigid's Day Celebrations
Our pupils were very busy making St Brigid's crosses in memory of St Brigid. A big word of thanks to our brilliant senior room pupils who helped to make crosses for our Junior room! It was a lovely act of kindness. We marked St. Brigid's day in a special way by holding a beautiful prayer assembly with the help of Fr. Flanagan. Well done to all our pupils who prepared the service and brought so much to it with their thoughtful prayers.