Active Schools Flag is a Department of Education Initiative Supported by Healthy Ireland. The Active School Flag was launched by the Department of Education in May 2009 and is organised through Mayo Education Centre.
The purpose of the initiative is to recognise schools (primary, post primary and special schools) that strive to achieve a physically active and physically educated school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often. We are working on the following areas: Physical Education, Physical Activity, Active School week & Partnerships...
As the Active School Process welcomes community involvement, we would encourage you to be active with your child at home. If you think you have any skills or ideas that would be of benefit in helping us to achieve our Active Flag, please let us know! We would love for you to get involved! Your support of the Active Flag is greatly appreciated!
Active Week 2024
Massive thanks to Mrs. McGuigan for organising some really fun events. Check out the photos!
Massive thanks to Mrs. McGuigan for organising some really fun events. Check out the photos!
We were delighted to have Francis in from Monaghan Sports Partnership to coach us how to play Volleyball.
We were delighted to have Francis in from Monaghan Sports Partnership to coach us how to play Volleyball.
Walk Around Monaghan
Our whole school joined together to walk around Monaghan. In school & at home, we measured the distanced we walked each day and added in together. Then, using the help of Google Maps, we were able to see where in Monaghan we had reached. We did that good of a team effort, that we made it around all the big towns in Monaghan, via all the GAA pitches, and even went outside of our county. Super effort everyone.
Our whole school joined together to walk around Monaghan. In school & at home, we measured the distanced we walked each day and added in together. Then, using the help of Google Maps, we were able to see where in Monaghan we had reached. We did that good of a team effort, that we made it around all the big towns in Monaghan, via all the GAA pitches, and even went outside of our county. Super effort everyone.